食品,百貨健康零食Healthy Snack Bars-NuGo Nutrition, 混合營養棒,巧克力口味,12條,1.59盎司,每條45克
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You are now Free to snack!
NuGO Free is a wholesome, delicious and nourishing snack for people wi床的世界th sensitivities to wheat, dairy and soy.
People with food restrictions have difficulty finding delicious healthy snacks. That's why we made NuGO Free for individuals with sensitivities to wheat, dairy, soy and gluten. NuGo Free is for those people with Celiac disease and for anyone looking for wholesome nourishing food.
NuGO Free is bottom-coated in luscious, Real dark chocolate床的世界, made with natural cocoa beans. Cocoa beans provide healthy antioxidants and powerful stearic acids which protect against heart disease, reduce blood pressure and lower bad (LDL) cholesterol. Other nutrition bars use chocolate flavoring with unhealthy vegetable oils which have no health benefits and actually raise bad LDL cholesterol while tasting waxy or overly sweet.
NuGo Nutrition, 混合營養棒,巧克力口味,12條,1.59盎司,每條45克